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Creating engaging content for social media can be a daunting task for many business owners, especially when balancing the demands of running a business.

However, producing content doesn't always require professional equipment or extensive marketing budgets.

Here are three easy types of content any business owner can create for their social media accounts, along with suggestions for captions and hashtags that can help increase their visibility and engagement.


1. Behind-The-Scenes (BTS) Content

What To Post

Share photos or videos that offer a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of your business. This could include the process of creating a product, setting up for an event, or a day in the life of your employees.

Behind-the-scenes content humanises your brand and builds a deeper connection with your audience.

Caption Ideas

Personalise your captions by sharing a story or interesting fact about the photo or video. For example, "Here's a sneak peek of how we craft our bespoke jewellery pieces, from sketch to final polish. Every piece tells a story, and we're excited to share part of ours with you."

Hashtags To Include

- #BehindTheScenes
- #DayInTheLife
- #HowItsMade
- #MeetTheMaker


2. User-Generated Content (UGC)

What To Post

Share content created by your customers or clients, such as photos of them using your product or service. This not only validates your offerings but also encourages more customers to share their experiences, creating a cycle of engagement.

Caption Ideas

Acknowledge the creator of the content by thanking them and sharing what you love about their post. For instance, "We're thrilled to see [Tagged User] enjoying our [Product/Service]! Their smile makes all the hard work worth it. Share your moments with us using #[YourBrandName]Love for a chance to be featured."

Hashtags Ideas

- #CustomerLove
- #FanPhoto
- #Review
- #TestimonialTuesday (if posting on a Tuesday)


3. Educational Content & Tips

What To Post

Offer valuable information related to your industry that can help your audience. This could be in the form of short how-to videos, infographics, or quick tips. Educational content positions your business as an authority in your field and adds value to your audience's social media experience.

Caption Ideas

Pose a problem or question that your content solves. For example, "Struggling to keep your indoor plants alive? Here are three simple tips to turn your home into a thriving jungle. Let us know if you try them out!"

Hashtags Ideas

- #TipsAndTricks
- #HowTo
- #DIY
- #[YourIndustry]Expert
- #LearnWithUs


Creating content for your social media accounts doesn't have to be overly complicated or time-consuming.

By focusing on behind-the-scenes content, user-generated content, and educational posts, you can engage your audience and grow your brand's presence online.

Remember to personalise your captions to reflect your brand's voice and include relevant hashtags to increase your content's reach. If a post is about a specific product, now is a great time to include a subtle reference to it and a trackable link too.

With consistency and creativity, you'll be able to build a loyal following and enhance your business's online profile.

About the author


Creative Director @ Artemys Studios